Question 101 - What is
a Parameterized constructor?
Constructor that accepts arguments is known as
parameterized constructor. There may be situations, where it is necessary to
initialize various data members of different objects with different values when
they are created. Parameterized constructors help in doing that task.
Question 102 - What is a Singleton Class?
A singleton class is
such kind of class in which only one object is created throughout the life time
of the class.
A Singleton class is
used when you wish to restrict instantiation of a class to only one object.
Question 103 - What is a Partial Class?
It is possible to
split the definition of a class or a struct, or an interface over two or more
source files
Each source file
contains a section of class definition, and all parts are combined at compile
All the partial
definitions must proceeded with the key word "Partial".
All the partial types
must be defined within a same assembly and module.
Method signatures
(return type, name of the method, and parameters) must be unique
The partial types must
have the same accessibility.
If any part is sealed,
then the entire class is sealed.
If any part is
abstract, the entire class is abstract.
Inheritance at any
partial type applies to the entire class.
Question 104 - What is a Partial Method?
A partial method is
like a usual method in a class except that the user may or may not implement
A partial method gets
executed only when it has an implementation.
Definition of a
partial method is in one part of the partial class and implementation in
another, but it is legal to have both in the same part of the partial class.
Also you can use a partial method in a partial structure but not in partial
Partial methods are
indicated by the partial modifier.
Partial methods must
be private.
Partial methods must
return void.
Partial methods must
only be declared within partial classes.
Partial methods do not
always have an implementation.
Partial methods can be
static and generic.
Partial methods can
have arguments including ref but not out.
You cannot make a
delegate to a partial method.
Question 105 - What is a Delegate?
Delegate in C# is
similar to a function pointer in C or C++.
Delegate is type
which holds the method(s) reference in an object. It is also referred as
a type safe function pointers.
Delegate allows the
programmer to encapsulate a reference to a method inside a delegate object.
The delegate object
can then be passed to code which can call the referenced method, without having
to know at compile time which method will be invoked.
An interesting and
useful property of a delegate is that it does not know or care about the class
of the object that it references.
Question 106 - What is a Syntax of Single class delegate?
Syntax - delegate
result-type identifier ([parameters]);
§ result-type: The result type, which matches
the return type of the function.
§ identifier: The delegate name.
§ parameters: The Parameters, that the function
Question 107 - What are the advantages of Delegates?
Encapsulating the
method's call from caller.
Effective use of
Delegate improves the performance of application.
Used to call a method
A delegate type
maintains three important pieces of information :
§ The name of the method on which it make calls.
§ Any argument (if any) of this method.
§ The return value (if any) of this method.
Question 108 - What is a Multicast Delegate?
Delegate wraps a
method. Calling delegate results in calling the method. It is possible to wrap
more than one method in a delegate. This is known as a multicast delegate.
If you make a call to
a multicast delegate it will call all the functions it wraps in the order
specified. Please note that functions in this case should not return any values.
Question 109 - What is an Event?
An event in C# is a
way for a class to provide notifications to clients of that class when some
interesting thing happens to an object.
An event is a way for
a class to allow clients to give it delegates to methods that should be called
when the event occurs. The most familiar use for events is in graphical user
Event Handlers in the
.NET Framework return void and take two parameters.
The first parameter is
the source of the event; that is the publishing object.
The second parameter
is an object derived from EventArgs.
Events are properties
of the class publishing the event.
The keyword event
controls how the event property is accessed by the subscribing classes.
Question 110 - What is a Hash Table?
Stored in two
dimensional array and have a link format of Key and Value.
The Hashtable object
contains items in key/value pairs. The keys are used as indexes.
The data type of
Hashtable is object and the default size of a Hashtable is 16.
The keys are used as indexes.
We can search value by using their corresponding key.
Items are added to the
Hashtable with the Add() method.
A close friend of
Hashtable is Array (came from C/C++), it is an instance of System.Array class.
Question 111 – What is
the Constructor of Hashtable?
We have ten overloaded
Constructor. we will see some important constructors of Hashtable.
Constructor with no
parameters - Creates an empty Hashtable.
Constructor with an
Integer Parameter - Creates an empty Hashtable.
Adding an element to
the Hashtable -- hashobject.Add(Key as Object, value as Object)
Accessing an element
in the Hashtable -- hashobject.Item({key})
Deleting a Particular
element -- hashobject.Remove(Key as object)
Question 112 – What is an Array?
Arrays are mechanisms
that allow you to treat several items as a single collection.
All array types are
implicitly derived from System.Array, which itself is derived from
System.Object. This means that all arrays are always reference types which are
allocated on the managed heap. There are 4 types of arrays as below.
§ Single Dimensional Array
§ Mutidimensional Array
§ Jagged Array
§ Mixed Array
Question 113 – What is a Single-dimensional arrays?
arrays have a single dimension
Syntax - int[] i = new
Question 114 – What is a Multidimensional arrays?
A multidimensional
array is an array with more than one dimension.
arrays are also called rectangular arrays because each row will be the same
Syntax : int[,]
squareArray = new int[3, 2] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } };
Question 115 – What are Jagged arrays?
One can create
multidimensional arrays with irregular dimensions, using jagged arrays.
Jagged arrays are
often called array of arrays. An element of a jagged array itself is an array.
For example, you can
define an array of names of students of a class where a name itself can be an
array of three strings - first name, middle name and last name. Another example
of jagged arrays is an array of integers containing another array of integers.
Syntax : int[][]
numArray = new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 3, 5 }, new int[] { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 } };
Question 116 – What
are Mixed Arrays?
Mixed arrays are a combination of
multi-dimension arrays and jagged arrays.
Question 117 – What is an ArrayList?
An ArrayList is an
array that can dynamically grow and shrink.
The arraylist is more
dynamic, you can add and remove items without losing performance. With the
ArrayList class, you can
§ add new items to a list
§ insert items inside a list
§ arrange items of a list
§ check the existence of an item in a list
§ remove an item from the list
§ inquire about the list
§ destroy the list.
using Sort on
ArrayList or on Array is faster than most custom implementations. Because
TrySZSort method used in the base class libraries is implemented in native
code, it has been heavily optimized.
Example : ArrayList
list = new ArrayList();
Question 118 – What is the difference between Array and Array List?
Array is in the
System namespace.
ArrayList is in the
System.Collections namespace.
The capacity of an
Array is fixed
ArrayList can
increase and decrease size dynamically
An Array is a
collection of similar items
ArrayList can hold
item of different types
An Array can have
multiple dimensions
ArrayList always has
exactly one dimension
Char[] vowel=new
ArrayList a_list=new
Array is a primitive
data structure, which stores thevalues in indexed format.
ArrayList is a more
like a vector. (A re-sizeable array). It is a collection and stores
any value as an object.
Question 119 – What is
the Difference between Array and Collections?
Array are of fixed
size, yes, it can be resized using Redim and Preserve. But for a Collection we
can keep adding elements to it.
Arrays can store only
one data type(Other than object array) whereas collections can hold any
Accessing the element
is very simple and very fast in collections.
Removing the element
in Collection is very simple, in the case of arrays we need to shift the entire
set of value up and reduce the size.
Question 120 – What is the difference between Array.Copy and Array.Clone?
Array.copy copies all
data and structure.
performs a deep copy
of the array.
CopyTo() copies the
elements from the original array to the destination array starting at the
specified destination array index.
The CopyTo() method
copies the elements into another existing array.
Array.clone copies
only structure not data(ie only shadow part)
performs a shallow
copy of the array.
Clone() method makes a
clone of the original array. It returns an exact length array.
The Clone() method
returns a new array (a shallow copy) object containing all the elements in the
original array.
Question 121 – What is
a Shallow Copy?
A shallow copy means the contents (each array
element) contains references to the same object as the elements in the original
Question 122 – What is a Deep Copy?
A deep copy (which neither of these methods
performs) would create a new instance of each element's object, resulting in a
different, yet identical object. Basically it copies the source objects as
well. So that there will be two different copies of the sources and objects.
Question 123 – What are the different String Compare options available?
String Functions
Compares the values
of two strings. Returns an integer value
Compares two strings
without regard to local culture. Returns an integer value
Compares the current
string object to another string. Returns an integer value
Determines whether a
string begins with the string passed. Returns a Boolean value
Determines whether a
string ends with the string passed. Returns a Boolean value
Determines whether
two strings are the same. Returns a Boolean value
Returns true if both
objects point to the same location in memory
Question 124 – What is a Statics Class
It is not possible to
create instances of a static class using the new keyword.
A class can be
declared static, indicating that it contains only static members.
If a class is declared
as static then the variables and methods should compulsorily declared as
Static classes are
loaded automatically by the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) when
the program or namespace containing the class is loaded.
Static classes cannot
contain a constructor, although it is still possible to declare a static
constructor to assign initial values or set up some static state.
Question 125 – What are the advantages of using Static Class?
The advantage of using
a static class is that the compiler can check to make sure that no instance
members are accidentally added.
The compiler will
guarantee that instances of this class cannot be created.
Question 126 – List some of the main features of a Static Class?
The main features of a static class are:
They only contain
static members.
They cannot be
They are sealed.
They cannot contain
Instance Constructors
Question 127 – What is a Static Member?
A static method,
field, property, or event is callable on a class even when no instance of the
class has been created.
Static members are
often used to represent data or calculations that do not change in response to
object state; for instance, a math library might contain static methods for
calculating sine and cosine.
Static class members
are declared using the STATIC keyword.
Static members are
preloaded in the memory.
Question 128 – What is a Static Variable?
A static variable is a
variable that will be the same in all instances of a class.
The initial value of a
static variable is the default value of the variable's type.
A field declared with
the static modifier is called a static variable. A static variable comes into
existence before execution of the static constructor.
Normally each class as
its own copy of all variables. If you declare some as static, then they will
have the same value in each instance of a class.
Question 129 – What is a Static Method?
Static methods show
have static keyword as the method definition
Static methods are
accessed without creating an instance of the class object
Static methods will
not have “this” functionality to access the method
Static methods cannot
access non static members of the class.
Question 130 – What is a Nested Class?
A nested class is one
that is created inside another class.
Nested classes have
access to the private members of the outer class. So a scenario where this is
the right way would be when creating a Comparer (ie. implementing the IComparer
classes are very useful for implementing internal details that should not be
exposed. Question
131 – What is Shadowing or Hiding?
When global and local
variable are in the same name, the local variable in a method which use to
override the global is called the shadowing. ie the Global variable is being
shadowed by local variable.
When two elements in a
program have the same name, one of them can hide and shadow the other one. So
in such cases the element which shadowed the main element is referenced.
This is a VB.Net
Concept by which you can provide a new implementation for the base class member
without overriding the member.
Hiding is the C# concept equivalent for shadowing.
Hiding is the C# concept equivalent for shadowing.
You can shadow a base
class member in the derived class by using the keyword Shadows.
Shadowing is bad
programming practice according to OOPs concepts.
In shadowing signature
could be different.
In Shadowing both
Derived class and Base Class methods are available for use.(So it’s a bad
The access level signature
and the return type can only be changed when you are shadowing with VB.NET.
Hiding and overriding demands the these parameters as same in C#.
Question 132 – What are Out and Ref parameters?
The out parameter
- return the values in the same variable passed as a parameter of the
method. Any changes made to the parameter will be reflected in the variable.
The ref keyword on a
method parameter causes a method to refer to the same variable that was passed
as an input parameter for the same method. If you do any changes to the
variable, they will be reflected in the variable.
The implementation of
ref and out parameter in IL Code(in CLR) is same, there is no difference
whether you use ref or out parameters.
Question 133 – What are the differences of Out and Ref Parameters?
Ref must be
initialized before it is passed to the method
Out its is not
necessary, but after method call it should get initialized
Extra performance
The called method
can read the argument at anytime
The called method
must initialize the parameterbefore reading it
ref parameters are
used to get a value and return a change to that value(Secondary
out parameters are
used when you just need to geta secondary return value
Question 134 – What
are the differences between String and String Builder?
String Builder
String objects are
immutable, which means that once they are created they cannot be
changed. When we use one of the methods of the String class, we create a
new string object.
StringBuilder are mutable
class, which means whenconcatenate any text to the variable it allows us to
modify the original value without creating a new object.
Here concatenation
is used to combine two strings.
Here Append method
is used.
String object is
used to concatenate two strings.
Stringbuilder object
is used.
The first string is
combined to the other string by creating a new copy in the memory as a
string object, and then the old string is deleted
Insertion is done on
the existing string.
Less efficient
StringBuilder is
more efficient for large amounts of string manipulations
Question 135 – Why C#
is strongly typed language?
C# is called Strongly Typed Language because
its type rules are very strict. For example you can't called a function that is
designed to call Integer with a string or decimal. If you want to do so then
you will have to explicitly convert them to integer.
Question 136
– What are Imperative and Interrogative function?
Imperative methods
return values or provide information back to the calling code. It returns a
Interrogative methods,
just perform a service and return nothing to the calling code. It does not
return a value.
Question 137 – What is a Collection Class?
A collection is a set
of the same type of objects that are grouped together and that is able to
supply a reference to an enumerator. Part of the System.Collections or
System.Collections.Generic namespace
An enumerator is an
object that iterates through its associated collection. It can be thought of as
a movable pointer pointing to any element in the collection. In order to
provide an enumerator, a class must implement the IEnumerable interface.
Most collection
classes derive from the interfaces ICollection, IComparer, IEnumerable, IList,
IDictionary, and DictionaryEnumerator and their generic equivalents.
Using generic
collection classes provides increased type-safety and in some cases can provide
better performance, especially when storing value types.
Question 138 – What are the differences between Const & Readonly?
Read Only
Must be initialized
at the time of its creation
Assigned in
constructor and called at Runtime
Used if we want to
define something at compile time.
At Runtime you can
make use of the value
Protects from
accidentally changing value of the field
Can't be static.
Can be either
instance-level or static.
Value is evaluated
at compile time.
Value is evaluated
at run time.
Initialized at
declaration only.
Initialized in
declaration or by code in the constructor
Question 139 – What is a Stack?
Stack is responsible
of keeping track of running memory needed in your application.
As the name says stack
it stacks this memory allocation on the top of the first memory allocation. You
can think about stack as series of compartment or boxes put on top of each
Memory allocation and
de-allocation is done using LIFO (Last in first out) logic. In other words
memory is allocated and de-allocated at only one end of the memory i.e. top of
the stack.
Reference pointers are
allocated on stack.
At the end event
clears all the memory variables which are assigned on stack
Static Memory – Stack
Details stored in
stack are Name, Data type and Value of the variable.
Question 140 – What is a Heap?
o It creates a pointer on the stack and the
actual object is stored in a different type of memory location called as
‘Heap’. ‘
o Heap’ does not track running memory it’s just
pile of objects which can reached at any moment of time.
o Heap is used for dynamic memory allocation.
FIFO (‘First In First Out’)
o Instance created using new keyword it will be
in HEAP.
o It did not de-allocate the heap memory. This
memory will be later de-allocated by “Garbage Collector”.
o Dynamic Memory – Heap
Question 141 – What
are Value Types?
Value types are types
which hold both data and the memory on the same location.
When we assign the
‘int’ value to the other ‘int’ value it creates a complete different copy.
These kinds of data types are called as ‘Value types’.
Value Types in .Net
§ Double, Float, Integer types (sByte, byte,
short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char)
§ Decimal, Bool, Enumeration types
Question 142 – What are Reference Types?
Reference type has a
pointer which points to the memory location.
When we create an
object and when we assign one object to the other object, they both point to the
same memory location. In other words if we change one of them the other object
is also affected this is termed as ‘Reference types’.
Reference Types in
§ String and Object
Question 143 – What are Boxing and UnBoxing means?
Move a value type to
reference type -- stack to the heap – BOXING
Move reference type to
a value type -- heap to the stack -- UNBOXING
Question 144 – What is Early Binding?
Early binding is
nothing but declaring the Object of specific type. With this kind of object its
cant be used to hold any other type of the Object/class.
Early bound just means
the target method is found at compile time.
If the method doesn't
exist the compiler will fail to compile the code.
Most script languages
use late binding, and compiled languages use early binding.
The compiler
guarantees that the function takes the right number of arguments, correct type
and return value is of the correct type.
Question 145 – What is Late Binding?
Declaring an object of
generic type and that object be used to hold the instance of the any
Late bound means the
target method is looked up at run time.
If the method isn't
there, then program will crash or go to some exception handling scheme at run
Most script languages
use late binding, and compiled languages use early binding.
The target function
may not accept the arguments passed to it, and may have a return value of the
wrong type.
Question 146 – What are the different WCF binding available?
Basic Web service communication. No security by default
Web services with WS-* support. Supports transactions
Web services with duplex contract and transaction support
Web services with federated security. Supports transactions
Communication directly with MSMQ applications. Supports transactions
Communication between WCF apps by using queuing. Supports transactions
Communication between WCF apps on same computer. Supports duplex contracts and
Communication between computers across peer-to-peer services. Supports duplex
Communication between WCF apps across computers. Supports duplex contracts and
Question 147 – What is a BasicHttpBinding?
This binding is used when we need to use SOAP
over HTTP.
Question 148 – What is a WSHttpBinding?
It is same like BasicHttpBinding. In short, it
uses SOAP over HTTP. But with it also supports reliable message transfer,
security and transaction.
Question 149 – What is
a NetTcpBinding?
This binding sends binary-encoded SOAP,
including support for reliable message transfer, security, and transactions,
directly over TCP. The biggest disadvantage of NetTcpBinding is that both
server and client should be also made in .NET language.
Question 150 – What is a WSDualHttpBinding?
The WSDualHttpBinding
class is used to provide a secure and interoperable binding.
It is used with duplex
service contracts to let both services and clients send/receive messages.
It assists Web Service
protocols as does the WSHttpBinding class but for duplex contracts.
The WSDualHttpBinding
class only supports SOAP security and requires reliable messaging.
§ Advantage: can get immediate response w/o
waiting on polling timer
§ Disadvantage: less scalable than WsHttpBinding
§ Disadvantage: less firewall friendly
§ Disadvantage: slower than WSHttpBinding
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