Resource Management
- Use Close or Dispose on objects that support it using the Using Statement
- Implement Finalize only if you hold unmanaged resources across client calls, UnManaged code should be removed, since it won't be managed by the CLR
Session Usage
- Disable session state if you do not use it.
- Use the ReadOnly attribute wherever required
- Remove the stored values from the Session
- Don't store infrequently used values in Session
- Check if the entire object needs to be stored. If not, store the individual attributes with unique key and fetch them later
- Don't store the same object multiple times
Page Size
- Reduction of page size - remove unwanted/hidden columns in grid/list views
- Reduce the size of the view state, post-back information which is needed
- Post back information about the labels, controls, JavaScript which have been used for display purpose no need to post back this data
- In general disable view state on control-by-control basis
- Avoid Unnecessary AJAX Calls
- Code should use drOutput.IsDBNull(index)? Instead of
- Use DataReader methods like (GetString, GetInt64, etc) to read value from Data reader. Instead of using
- Usage of GetOrdinal methods in IDataReader block
- If only one value is expected from database use ExecuteScalar. Else, use ExecuteReader. Avoid using ExecuteDataset.
Collection Usage
- Implement strongly typed (Generics) collections to prevent casting overhead
Reflection & Late Binding
- Prefer early binding and explicit types rather than reflection
Avoid XMLDocument
- Avoid XMLDocument wherever necessary, Instead use XPathDocument, which is read only.
String Handling
- If ToLower,ToUpper is encountered change them to Compare function. If string concatenation is done by += and the string is too large then convert it to StringBuilder. When declaring a string use String.Empty rather thatn = "". When comparing empty string compare with Lenth > 0.
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